Designation: HOD
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Welcome to the department of Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning EngineeringIn this department we mainly focus on the AI based skill development along with data science, business intelligence, Machine Learning , Deep learning and IoT. In the department of  AIML.we believe on the hands on learning experience and project based learning.

The Department of AIML Engineering offers 8 semesters courses with a compulsory 1 Year project in the last year. Students are exposed to the latest software and development tools as per the need of the day. AIML Engineering is the field which deals with analyzing and designing hardware, software, and operating systems for a computer system.

The Computer Center is available for internet access to all students of the department. Software for Database Management, Computer Graphics, Low Level Programming, Networking, Internet Applications etc. is used for developing customized applications. To achieve a student centric approach is practiced by all faculty members. All the faculties have good expertise in their respective domains.


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