Hydro power plant

- Electrical Engineering Department of Navsahyadri Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering are successfully conducted Industrial Visit at Maharashtra Vidyut Nirmiti Kendra Bhatghar. This Visit is regarding to the subject of Power generation technology. In this power plant students got the actual knowledge of generation of electricity by Hydro power plant.
Traction Substation & Traction systems

- Electrical Engineering Department of Navsahyadri Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering are successfully conducted Industrial Visit at Traction Substation, Khadki.. This Visit is regarding to the subject of Power generation technology. In this power plant students got the actual knowledge of Traction Substation & Traction systems
Power generation technology

- Electrical Engineering Department of Navsahyadri Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering are successfully conducted Industrial Visit at Manisha Engineering Pvt. Ltd. This Visit is regarding to the subject of Power generation technology. In this power plant students got the actual knowledge of construction and manufacturing of transformer.
Wing power plant

- Electrical Engineering Department of Navsahyadri Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering are successfully conducted Industrial Visit at Solshi Wind Power Plant. This Visit is regarding to the subject of Power generation technology. In this power plant students got the actual knowledge of generation of electricity by wing power plant.