Third Year of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (2020 Course)

  Course Code  Course Name  Course Outcomes:
318541Design and Analysis of AlgorithmCO1: Calculate computational complexity using asymptotic notations for various algorithms.
CO2: Demonstrate a familiarity with divide-conquer and greedy algorithms.
CO3: Describe and analyze the dynamic-programming paradigm for optimal solution.
CO4: Solve problems using backtracking approach.
CO5: Compare different methods of Branch and Bound strategy.
CO6: Classify P, NP, and NP Complete, NP hard problem.
318542IoT with Artificial IntelligenceCO1: Understand internet of Things and its hardware and software components.
CO2: Describe intelligent IOT systems.
CO3: Analyze Protocol standardization for IOT.
CO4: Perform an analysis of IOT security issues using AI technology.
CO5: Identify the role of cloud computing in IOT.
CO6: Develop IoT infrastructure for popular applications.
318543Web TechnologyCO1: Analyze behavior of web pages using web technologies
CO2: Develop Static and Dynamic website using technologies like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
CO3: Demonstrate the use of web scripting languages
CO4: Develop web application with Front End & Back End Technologies
CO5: Develop mobile website using JQuery Mobile
CO6: Deploy web application on cloud using AWS
318544Management and Entrepreneurship for IT IndustryCO1: Define management, organization, entrepreneur, planning, staffing, ERP and outline their importance in entrepreneurship
CO2: Utilize the resources available effectively through ERP
CO3: Make use of IPRs and institutional support in entrepreneurship
CO4: Understand the role of entrepreneurs in economic development, and barriers, Identification of business opportunities, feasibility studies.
CO5: Understand the contents of project report, ERP and project.
CO6: Understand IPRs and institutional support in entrepreneurship, Case Study of Entrepreneurs.
CO7: Learners will explore entrepreneurial skills and management function of a company with special reference to SME sector.    
318545Elective-I-(A): RoboticsCO1: Understand basic concepts of robotics.
CO2: Select appropriate Components and can able to do basic modeling & drive for Robotic applications.
CO3: Understand Kinematics and transformations.
CO4: Compare and select robot and end effectors, Sensors, grippers as per application
CO5: Know about the fundamentals of robot programming and applications
CO6: Study coverage of application and issues in Future in Robotics
318545Elective-I-(B): Pattern RecognitionCO1: Understand Bayesian Decision Theory, the canonical classifier model, and how different classification methods define decision boundaries.
CO2: Estimate unknown Probability Density functions
CO3: Apply performance evaluation methods for pattern recognition and understand about the clustering concepts.
CO4: Select appropriate techniques for addressing recognition problems.
CO5: Implement basic pattern recognition algorithms
CO6: Summarize current pattern recognition research verbally and in writing and analyze the estimation methods.
318545Elective-I-(C): Information SecurityCO1: Model the cyber security threats and apply formal procedures to defend the attacks.
CO2: Apply appropriate cryptographic techniques by learning symmetric key cryptography.
CO3: Apply appropriate cryptographic techniques by learning asymmetric key cryptography.
CO4: Design and analyze web security solutions by deploying various cryptographic techniques along with data integrity algorithms.
CO5: Identify and Evaluate Information Security threats and vulnerabilities in Information systems and apply security measures to real time scenarios.
CO6: Demonstrate the use of standards and cyber laws to enhance Information Security in the development process and infrastructure protection.
318545Elective I (D): Business IntelligenceCO1: Apply conceptual knowledge on how Business Intelligence is used in decision making process
CO2: Use modelling concepts in Business Intelligence
CO3: Understand and apply the concepts of business reports and analytics with the help of visualization for business performance management
CO4: Comprehend the model based decision making using prescriptive analytics
CO5: Analyze the role of analytics and intelligence in Business
CO6: Comprehend different Business Intelligence trends and its future impacts
318546Software Laboratory I (IoT with Artificial Intelligence)CO1: Understand IOT Application Development using Raspberry Pi/ Beagle board/ Arduino board.
CO2: Develop and modify the code for various sensor based applications using wireless sensor modules and working with a variety of modules like environmental modules.
CO3: Make use of Cloud platform to upload and analyze any sensor data.
318547WT LaboratoryCO1: Develop Static and Dynamic responsive website using technologies HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and AJAX.
CO2: Create Version Control Environment.
CO3: Develop an application using front end and backend technologies.
CO4: Develop mobile website using JQuery Mobile.
CO5: Deploy web application on cloud using AWS.
318548Elective-I-(A): Robotics LaboratoryCO1: Student must able to do the demonstration of Different robots.
CO2: Student must know the different paths for robots.
CO3: Student can able to do basic Program in Robotics.
318548Elective-I-(B): Pattern Recognition LaboratoryCO1: Understand how to generate pattern features using various transforms based on data.
CO2: Understand how to analyze pattern features using probability theory.
CO3: Understand how to build classifiers using known probability distribution.
CO4: Understand how to build classifiers using non parametric methods.
CO5: Understand how to build linear classifiers using perception model.
CO6: Understand how to build linear, nonlinear classifiers using SVM model.
CO7: Understand how to build classifiers using syntactic model.
CO8: Understand theory of unsupervised learning
318548Elective-I-(C ) : Information Security LaboratoryCO1: Use tools and techniques in the area of Information Security.
CO2: Use the cryptographic techniques for problem solving.
CO3: Design and develop security solution.
CO4: Protect and defend information systems.
318548Elective-I-(D): Business Intelligence LaboratoryCO1: Compare and analyze different analytical tools used by businesses.
CO2: Understand the application of critical notion of KPI using real time case studies.
CO3: Design and implement the analytical models using suitable tools.
CO4: Create visualizations using suitable tools.
318549Seminar / Mini ProjectCO1: Analyze a latest topic of professional interest.
CO2: Identify an engineering problem, analyze it and propose a work plan to solve it.
CO3: Communicate with professional technical presentation skills.
CO4: Design solution to real life problems and analyze its concerns through shared cognition.
CO5: Tackle technical challenges for solving real world problems with team efforts.
318550Environmental StudiesCO1: The understand nature of environment studies & Importance.
CO2: Design the Structure and function of ecosystem.
CO3: The use of Natural Resources in real time environment.
CO4: Undesirable changes occurring in the physical, chemical, and biological composition of natural environment consisting of air, water, and soil.
CO5: The commitment of an organization or government to the laws, regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues.
CO6: Humans impact their environment through their habits, actions, and choices.
318551Mandatory Audit Course 3: A: Road SafetyCO1: Analyse traffic characteristics of roadways.
CO2: Understand the importance of planning for traffic safety and rehabilitation.
CO3: Acquire information and knowledge about people responsible for accidents and their duties.
CO4: Evaluate the causes of road accidents and take part in road safety audit.
CO5: Acquire a certificate in compulsory events based on the topic under study.
318551Mandatory Audit Course 3: B: Engineering EconomicsCO1: Understand rational decision making and impact on economics.
CO2: Perform calculations for interest rates and rates of return.
CO3: Calculate the present, annual and future worth of cash flows.
CO4: Understand Fundamental approach and terminology of replacement analysis.
318551Mandatory Audit Course 3: C: Language Study-Module IIICO1: Ability of basic communication.
CO2: Knowledge of Japanese script (reading, writing and listening skills).
CO3: Knowledge about Japanese culture, life style, manners and etiquettes.
CO4: Develop interest to pursue professional Japanese Language course.
318551Mandatory Audit Course 3: D: MOOC- Learn New skillsCO1: Promote interactive user forums to support community interactions among students, professors, and experts.
CO2: Promote learn additional skills anytime and anywhere.
CO3: Enhance teaching and learning on campus and online.
Course CodeCourse NameCourse Outcomes
318552Machine Intelligence for Data ScienceCO1: Apply data preprocessing methods on open access data and generate quality data for analysis.
CO2: Apply appropriate statistical measure for machine learning applications.
CO3: Apply regression techniques to machine learning problems.
CO4: Apply and build classification models using SVM.
CO5: Apply decision tree and ensembles methods to solve real time applications.
CO6: Apply and build clustering models using clustering methods and its corresponding algorithms.
318553Data Mining & WarehousingCO1: Ability to understand the various kinds of tools.
CO2: Apply frequent pattern and association rule mining techniques for data analysis.
CO3: Apply appropriate classification and clustering techniques for data analysis.
CO4: Apply frequent pattern and association rule mining techniques for data analysis & Study Warehouse with design and Components.
CO5: Apply suitable pre-processing and visualization techniques for data analysis.
CO6: Design a Data warehouse system and perform business analysis with OLAP tools.
318554Artificial Neural NetworksCO1: Recognize Learning Tasks and Learning Problems.
CO2: Differentiate between Learning in humane and Learning in Artificial Neural Networks.
CO3: Understand Predictive learning with Feed Forward Neural Networks and Limitations.
CO4: Analyse Neural network architectures for solving Optimization Problems.
CO5: Investigate neural network architecture for descriptive tasks.
CO6: Understand learning type in Deep Neural Networks and their Applications.
318555Elective II (A): Industrial Internet of ThingsCO1: Describe Industrial Internet of Things and Cyber Physical manufacturing.
CO2: Demonstrate Cyber Physical and Cyber Manufacturing systems.
CO3: Describe Architectural design patterns for industrial Internet of Things.
CO4: Analyse AI and data Analytics for Industrial Internet of Things.
CO5: Evaluation of Workforce and Human Machine Interaction and Application of Industrial Internet of Things.
CO6: Ability to implement real field problem by gained knowledge of Industrial applications with IoT capability.
318555Elective II (B): Brain Computer InterfaceCO1: Comprehend and appreciate the significance and role of this course in the present contemporary world.
CO2: Evaluate concept of BCI.
CO3: Assign functions appropriately to the human and to the machine.
CO4: Select appropriate feature extraction methods
CO5: Use machine learning algorithms for translation.
CO6: Learn the various applications of BCI.
318555Elective II (C): AI for Cyber SecurityCO1: Understand the fundamental of AI and Cyber Security.
CO2: Analyze the cyber security threats and malware threats with AI.
CO3: Analyze and apply network anomaly detection techniques to machine learning problems.
CO4: Apply various algorithms to protect the sensitive information.
CO5: Understand and apply tools for the various GANs attacks.
CO6: Understand to evaluate algorithms.
318555Elective II (D): Video AnalyticsCO1: Understand the algorithms available for performing analysis on video data and address the challenges.
CO2: Design video analytic algorithms for security applications.
CO3: Design video analytic algorithms for business intelligence.
CO4: Design custom made video analytics system for the given target application.
CO5: Analyse the Images using various Coding Techniques.
318556Software Laboratory IICO1: Demonstrate proficiency with statistical analysis of data.
CO2: Use statistical analyses with professional statistical software.
CO3: Apply data science concepts and methods to solve problems.
318557Software Lab III- DMW & Industrial Internet of ThingsCO1: Ability to understand the various kinds of tools.
CO2: Demonstrate the classification, clustering and etc. in large data sets.
CO3: Ability to add mining algorithms as a component to the exiting tools.
CO4: To learn physical design, logical design and enabling technologies of internet of things.
CO5: To acquire knowledge about IoT platforms.
318557Software Lab III- DMW & Brain Computer InterfaceCO1: Demonstrate the classification, clustering and etc. in large data sets.
CO2: Ability to add mining algorithms as a component to the exiting tools.
CO3: Study the utilization of drives system related to the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals for neuro rehabilitation.
CO4: Understand the concept of Brain Computer Interface Systems that can be designed and developed with the overall goal of supporting a wide range of users for a wide range of applications.  
CO5: Process multi-channel EEG data using a suitable tool in the computing environment which will be helpful for developing, prototyping and testing Brain Computer Interface approaches.  
CO6: Solve the interoperability and standardization issues of Brain Computer Interface software platforms and to identify and design new applications of Brain Computer Interface.
318557Software Lab III- DMW & AI for Cyber SecurityCO1: Ability to understand the various kinds of tools.
CO2: Demonstrate the classification, clustering and etc. in large data sets.
CO3: Ability to add mining algorithms as a component to the exiting tools.
CO4: Demonstrate proficiency with statistical analysis of data.
CO5: Use statistical analyses with professional statistical software.
CO6: Apply data science concepts and methods to solve problems.
318557Software Lab III- DMW & Video AnalyticsCO1: Design solution to real life problems and analyze its concerns through shared cognition.
CO2: Apply learning by doing approach in Video Analytics to promote lifelong learning.
CO3: Tackle technical challenges for solving real world problems with team efforts.
CO4: Collaborate and engage in multi-disciplinary learning environments.
CO5: Demonstrate the classification, clustering and etc. in large data sets.
CO6: Ability to add mining algorithms as a component to the exiting tools.
318558Internship / Skill Development / Global Certification ProgramCO1: To demonstrate professional competence through industry internship.
CO2: To apply knowledge gained through internships to complete academic activities in a professional manner.
CO3: To choose appropriate technology and tools to solve given problem.
CO4: To demonstrate abilities of a responsible professional and use ethical practices in day to day life.
CO5: Creating network and social circle, and developing relationships with industry people.
CO6: To analyse various career opportunities and decide carrier goals.
318559Seminar & Technical CommunicationCO1: Analyze a latest topic of professional interest.
CO2: Enhance technical writing skills.
CO3: Identify an engineering problem, analyze it and propose a work plan to solve it.
CO4: Communicate with professional technical presentation skills.
318560(A)Mandatory Audit Course 4 The Science of HappinessCO1: Understand what happiness is and why it matters to you.
CO2: Learn how to increase your own happiness.
CO3: Understand of the power of social connections and the science of empathy.
CO4: Understand what is mindfulness and its real world applications.
318560(B)Mandatory Audit Course 4: Emotional IntelligenceCO1: Analyze the differences in the EI theories that are regularly applied.
CO2: Describe components of emotional intelligence and identify them within behaviour.
CO3: Acquire information and knowledge about responsibility for social management.
CO4: Communicate effectively (Verbal and Non Verbal) about emotional intelligence.
318560(C)Language study-Module IVCO1: Do Better Communication in Japanese language.
CO2: Demonstrate knowledge of Japanese Language Scripts (Reading, Writing, etc).
CO3: Demonstrate knowledge of Japanese culture, lifestyle, etc.
CO4: Pursue advanced Professional Japanese Language course.
318560(D)Mandatory Audit Course 4: MOOC- Learn New skillsCO1: Promote interactive user forums to support community interactions among students, professors, and experts.
CO2: Promote learn additional skills anytime and anywhere.
CO3: Enhance teaching and learning on campus and online

Second Year Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (2020 Course)

Course CodeCourse NameCourse Outcomes
218541Discrete MathematicsCO1: Formulate and apply formal proof techniques and solve the problems with logical reasoning.
CO2: Analyze and evaluate the combinatorial problems by using probability theory.
CO3: Apply the concepts of graph theory to devise mathematical models.
CO4: Analyze types of relations and functions to provide solution to computational problems.
CO5: Identify techniques of number theory and its application.
CO6: Identify fundamental algebraic structures.
218542Data Structure & AlgorithmsCO1: Perform basic analysis of algorithms with respect to time and space complexity.
CO2: Select appropriate searching and/or sorting techniques in the application development.
CO3: Implement abstract data type (ADT) and data structures for given application.
CO4: Design algorithms based on techniques like brute -force, divide and conquer, greedy, etc.
CO5: Apply implement learned algorithm design techniques and data structures to solve problems.
CO6: Design different hashing functions and use files organizations.
218543Computer NetworksCO1: Understand data/signal transmission over communication media.
CO2: Understand basics of computer networking and compare functions of OSI and TCP/IP model using concepts of communication theory.
CO3: Analyze data link layer services, different access techniques, and Ethernet standards.
CO4: Understand the network layer services, apply skills of subnetting, supernetting and routing mechanisms.
CO5: Illustrate services and protocols used at transport layer.
CO6: Understand and learn the different application layer protocols.
218544Object Oriented ProgrammingCO1: Differentiate various programming paradigms.
CO2: Identify classes, objects, methods, and handle object creation, initialization, and Destruction to model real-world problems.
CO3: Identify relationship among objects using inheritance and polymorphism principles.
CO4: Handle different types of exceptions and perform generic programming.
CO5: Use of files for persistent data storage for real world application.
CO6: Apply appropriate design patterns to provide object-oriented solutions.
218545Software EngineeringCO1: Classify various software application domains.
CO2: Analyze software requirements by using various modeling techniques.
CO3: Translate the requirement models into design models.
CO4: Apply planning and estimation to any project.
CO5: Use quality attributes and testing principles in software development life cycle.
CO6: Discuss recent trends in Software engineering by using CASE and agile tools.
218546Data Structure & Algorithms LaboratoryCO1: Analyze algorithms and to determine algorithm correctness and time efficiency class.
CO2: Implement abstract data type (ADT) and data structures for given application.
CO3: Design algorithms based on techniques like brute -force, divide and conquer, greedy, etc.).
CO4: Solve problems using algorithmic design techniques and data structures.
CO5: Analyze of algorithms with respect to time and space complexity.
218547Object Oriented Programming LaboratoryCO1: Differentiate various programming paradigms.
CO2: Identify classes, objects, methods, and handle object creation, initialization, and destruction to model real-world problems.
CO3: Identify relationship among objects using inheritance and polymorphism.
CO4: Handle different types of exceptions and perform generic programming.
CO5: Use file handling for real world application.
CO6: Apply appropriate design patterns to provide object-oriented solutions.
218548Computer Networks LaboratoryCO1: Implement small size network and its use of various networking commands.
CO2: Understand and apply of networking and simulation tool i.e packet tracer.
CO3: Configure the various routing and switching protocols using packet tracer.
CO4: Configure various client/server environments to use application layer protocols.
CO5: Explore use of protocols in various wired applications.
218549Humanities and Social SciencesCO1: Aware of the various issues concerning humans and society.
CO2: Aware about their responsibilities towards society.
CO3: Sensitized about broader issues regarding the social, cultural, economic and human aspects, involved in social changes.
CO4: Able to understand the nature of the individual and the relationship between self and the community.
CO5: Able to understand major ideas, values, beliefs, and experiences that have shaped human history and cultures.
218550Soft Skill LaboratoryCO1: Introspect about individual’s goals, aspirations by evaluating one’s SWOC and think creatively.
CO2: Develop effective communication skills including Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
CO3: Constructively participate in group discussion, meetings and prepare and deliver Presentations.
CO4: Write precise briefs or reports and technical documents.
CO5: Practice professional etiquette, present oneself confidently and successfully handle personal interviews.
CO6: Function effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams through the knowledge of team work, Inter-personal relationships, conflict management and leadership quality.
218551 (A)Mandatory Audit Course 3: Ethics and Values in Information TechnologyCO1: Adapt the global ethical principles and modern ethical issues.
CO2: Apprehend ethics in the business relationships and practices of IT.
CO3: Implement trustworthy computing to manage risk and security vulnerabilities.
CO4: Analyse concerns of privacy, privacy rights in information-gathering practices in IT.
218551 (B)Mandatory Audit Course3: Quantitative Aptitude & Logical ReasoningCO1: Apply basic concepts of quantitative abilities.
CO2: Use logical reasoning for solving real world problems.
CO3: Compete in examinations like internships, industry placements, postgraduate admissions, civil services etc.
218551 (C)Mandatory Audit Course 3: Language Study Japanese -Module ICO1: Converse with simple sentences in Japanese.
CO2: Recognize and read simple sentences in Japanese.
CO3: Write simple sentences in Japanese.
CO4: Be aware about Japanese society and people.
218551 (D)Mandatory Audit Course 3: Cyber Security and LawCO1: Understand the basic concepts of cyber security and its abilities.
CO2: Analyse and evaluate the cyber security needs of an organization.
CO3: Understand the importance of cyber laws and its practices.
CO4: Determine and analyse software vulnerabilities and security solutions to reduce the risk of exploitation.
Course CodeCourse NameCourse Outcomes
207003Applied MathematicsCO1: Solve Linear differential equations, essential in modelling and design of computer-based systems.
CO2: Apply concept of Fourier transform and Z-transform and its applications to continuous and discrete systems and image processing.
CO3: Apply Statistical methods like correlation& regression analysis and probability theory for data analysis and predictions in machine learning.
CO4: Solve Algebraic &Transcendental equations and System of linear equations using numerical techniques. CO5: Obtain Interpolating polynomials, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations used in modern scientific computing.
218552Operating SystemsCO1: Describe the role of Modern Operating Systems and make use of shell commands to build shell scripts.
CO2: Describe the concept of thread and process management, compare different process scheduling algorithms, and justify what algorithm to use in given scenario.
CO3: Explain synchronization and deadlock; analyse classical IPC problems, also infer the existence of deadlock in the system.
CO4: Apply the concepts of various memory management techniques.
CO5: Make use of concept of I/O management and File system.
CO6: Understand the concepts of different system softwares.
218553Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningCO1: Evaluate Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods and describe their foundations.
CO2: Analyze and illustrate how search algorithms play vital role in problem solving, inference, perception, knowledge representation and learning.
CO3: Demonstrate knowledge of reasoning and knowledge representation for solving real world problems
CO4: Recognize the characteristics of machine learning that makes it useful to real-world problems
CO5: Apply the different supervised learning methods of support vector machine and tree based models.
CO6: Use different linear methods for regression and classification with their optimization through different regularization techniques.
218554Database Management SystemCO1: Apply fundamental elements of database management systems.
CO2: Design ER-models to represent simple database application scenarios.
CO3: Formulate SQL queries on data for relational databases.
CO4: Improve the database design by normalization & to incorporate query processing.
CO5: Apply ACID properties for transaction management and concurrency control.
CO6: Analyze various database architectures and technologies.
218555Computer GraphicsCO1: Apply mathematical and logical aspects for developing elementary graphics operations like scan conversion of points, lines, circle, and apply it for problem solving.
CO2: Employ techniques of geometrical transforms to produce, position and manipulate Objects in 2 dimensional and 3-dimensional space respectively.
CO3: Describe mapping from a world coordinates to device coordinates, clipping, and projections in order to produce 3D images on 2D output device.
CO4: Apply concepts of rendering, shading, animation, curves and fractals using computer graphics tools in design, development and testing of 2D, 3D modelling applications.
CO5: Perceive the concepts of virtual reality.
218556Operating System LaboratoryCO1: To apply the basics of Linux commands.
CO2: To build shell scripts for various applications.
CO3: To implement basic building blocks like processes, threads under the Linux.
CO4: To develop various system programs for the functioning of OS concepts in user space like concurrency control, CPU Scheduling, Memory Management and Disk Scheduling in Linux.
CO5: To develop system programs for Inter Process Communication in Linux.
218557Computer Graphics LaboratoryCO1: Apply line& circle drawing algorithms to draw the objects.
CO2: Apply polygon filling methods for the object.
CO3: Apply polygon clipping algorithms for the object.
CO4: Apply the 2D transformations on the object.
CO5: Implement the curve generation algorithms.
CO6: Demonstrate the animation of any object using animation principles.
218558Database Management System LaboratoryCO1: Install and configure database systems.
CO2: Analyze database models & entity relationship models.
CO3 : Design and implement a database schema for a given problem-domain.
CO4: Implement relational database systems.
CO5: Populate and query a database using SQL DDL / DML / DCL commands.
CO6: Design a backend database of any one organization: CASE STUDY
218559Project Based Learning – IICO1: Design solution to real life problems and analyze its concerns through shared cognition.
CO2: Apply learning by doing approach in PBL to promote lifelong learning.
CO3: Tackle technical challenges for solving real world problems with team efforts.
CO4: Collaborate and engage in multi-disciplinary learning environments.
218560Code of ConductCO1: Understand the basic perception of profession, professional ethics, various moral and social issues, industrial standards, code of ethics and role of professional ethics in engineering field.
CO2: Aware of professional rights and responsibilities of an engineer, responsibilities of an engineer for safety and risk benefit analysis.
CO3: Understand the impact of the professional Engineering solutions in societal and Environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
CO4: Acquire knowledge about various roles of engineers in variety of global issues and able to apply ethical principles to resolve situations that arise in their professional lives.
218561 (A)Mandatory Audit course 4: Water Supply and ManagementCO1: Relate the relations between the environment and ecology, estimating water requirement for public water supply scheme.
CO2: Assess the quality of water as per BIS and select the appropriate treatment method required for the water source.
CO3: Analyse the suitable distribution system for a locality and know the appurtenances used.
CO4: Summarize the arrangement of water supply and fittings in a building.
CO5: Determine the need of conservation of water and rural water supply.
CO6: Identify the sources of water pollution and suitable control measures.
218561 (B)Mandatory Audit course 4: Language Study Japanese: Module – IICO1: Have Japanese Communicative competence for primitive Social conversation in Japanese.
CO2: Comprehend Grammar of Japanese Script.
CO3: Translate simple sentences from Japanese to English and vice a versa.
CO4: Be aware about Japanese society and people.
218561 (C)Mandatory Audit course 4 : e-Waste Management and Pollution ControlCO1: Discuss various types of e-waste sources.
CO2: Understand impact of various e-wastes.
CO3: Identify characteristics of various e-Waste pollutants.
CO4: Understand process of e-Waste Recycling and relevant technologies.
CO5: Discuss causes, effects and control measures of different environment pollution.
CO6: Demonstrate Safe methods for disposal of e-waste and controlling the pollution.
218561 (D)Mandatory Audit course 4: Intellectual Property RightsCO1: Exhibit the concepts of Intellectual Property Rights.
CO2: Differentiate among different IPR.
CO3: Formulate and characterize innovative ideas and inventions into IPR.
CO4: Demonstrate knowledge of advances in patent law and IP regulations