Civil Engineering has to do with Civilization! With Civilization has developed Civil Engineering and with Civil Engineering has prospered Civilization! It is easily the oldest branch of Engineering. When the first human form thought of taking refuge in a cave, Civil Engineering was borne. Every man-made structure in this world is conceived, designed, constructed and maintained by Civil Engineers. A Civil Engineer is thus Vishwakarmaa of the modern world.

Civil Engineering Department at NGI has experienced dynamic and dedicated faculty and state-of-art laboratories. We nurture our students with strong scientific and technical know-how and impart critical thinking skills on which, are founded their careers or higher studies. We endeavor to inculcate in our students, professional attitude, ethical values, creativity, leadership, innovative thinking, effective communication, team work, multidisciplinary approach and social awareness. The Department is committed to fostering a stimulating and intellectual environment in which both faculty and students excel in their professions.

Prof. A.K. Kalyanni

Education: M.E. (Geotechnical) |
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