Department of First Year Engineering have scheduled and conducted Guest Lecture on Engineering chemistry

First Year Engineering Department of Navsahyadri Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering are pleased to inform you that we have successfully conducted Expert lecturer on Engineering chemistry by Subject chairman of SPPU, Dr.Shridhar Saptale, S.A.E Kondhava ,PUNE. The lecture aimed to provide students with an introduction to the corrosion mechanisms and preventive methods for corrosion control.

Department of First Year Engineering have scheduled and conducted Guest Lecture on Engineering Chemistry

The guest lecture on Engineering chemistry was held as a part of the academic series organized by the First Year Department at NAVSAHYADRI EDUCATION SOCIETY’S, GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS FACULTY OF ENGINEERING. The speaker introduced Engineering Materials and Fuels. The students find the guest lecture more effective to enhance the knowledge of Power alcohol and biodiesel.

Department of First Year Engineering have scheduled and conducted Guest Lecture on Engineering Mechanics

The speaker gave a brief introduction on Dynamics and elaborated about kinematics of particles and kinetics of particles. The Guest lecture helps to minimize the gap between practical knowledge and academic knowledge. The lecture aimed to provide students with Basic Concepts Equation of motion in Cartesian coordinates, Equation of motion in path coordinates, Equation of motion in polar coordinates, Motion of projectile.

Department of First Year Engineering have scheduled and conducted Guest Lecture on Engineering Mathematics - I

The speaker gave a brief introduction on partial differentiation and briefly discussed Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions of two and three variables. He also elaborated the applications of partial differentiation in finding maxima and minima of function and evaluating errors in the measurements of the variables. The Guest lecture helps to minimize the gap between finding ordinary derivatives and partial derivatives.

Department of First Year Engineering have scheduled and conducted Guest Lecture on Engineering Mathematics - II

The guest lecture on Engineering Mathematics-II was held as a part of the academic series organized by the First Year Department at NAVSAHYADRI EDUCATION SOCIETY’S, GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS FACULTY OF ENGINEERING. The speaker introduced the cartesian, polar and parametric equations and discussed the rules for tracing of curves in each of the forms. Furthermore, she has covered the rectification of curves in the successive sessions. The students find the guest lecture more effective to enhance the knowledge of tracing and rectification of the curve.